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Saturday, March 20, 2010

The Customer Satisfaction Pyramid

Understanding overall customer satisfaction is a bit more complicated than assuming everything went fine simply because they didn't complain. In fact for each customer who called and complained, there are twenty-six more who say nothing,(Based on study performed by the University of North Dakota) they just disappear and you never hear from them again. ever have a problem in a restaurant and when asked how eveything went you say, fine, just because it is not worth the hassle to say anything? During the drive on the way home you actually discuss whether you will ever go back there again. Yet the people in the restaurant are oblivious to your disatisfaction.
As illustrated in the "Customer Satisfaction Pyramid" the lowest level of satisfaction, or as I call, meeting the basic objectives; Trust, Reliability and Value is considered a given. In fact, these are the key elements as to why someone makes a selection as to who to even consider before doing business with them. Customers expect at least this. On level two, Timeliness, Knowledgeable and Responsible, the customer wants something he or she obviously expects once the experience has begun. At this point, a company has met the minimum requirements . . . fair price, trust, reliability, you know what you are talking about, you don't waste their time and show up when promised and take responsibility should something go wrong. These are logical demands.

Want a customer for life? get to their emotions. Level three . . . Caring, Concerned and Helpful. These are not just words, this is where your customer sincerely believes, based on your words and actions that you do indeed really care!
Let's take a look at the top of the pyramind. Fun, Friendly, Enjoyable or Entertaining. This doesn't mean you bring in a group of entertainers when you do business. What I am talking about is something so rare and unusual that the customer is so overwhelmed that they can't wait to tell someone else about the great experience they had. Whether you are a plumber, electrician, HVAC technician, roofer or handyman, your services, communication, appearance and interaction is not just compared to others in your field, but to every interactive experience that person has experienced in their entire life! So, don't focus on just meeting their basic needs, focus on being the best by overwhelming them.
Want to know more? I'll be posting more detail on this blog in days to come.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Back From Tampa

Had a great trip to Tampa, Florida. I was fortunate enough to meet some of the best and most succesfull contractors anywhere. I recommend anyone involved in the HVAC business go to at least one of these conferences. While I was there I also had a booth in the Expo floor. I was sure busy! Customer Care Plus was a big hit with everyone there. I even had a few folks run around to find their friends so they could see it also. In my workshop "20 methods to turn satisfied customers into raving fans" I had standing room only. in fact the room was so packed, people were turned away.

Right now I am nursing a cold. One of the bad things about working the convention floor is you shake a lot of hands and exchange a lot of germs. Even though I had plenty of hand sanitizer, I guess a few of the little buggers got through to me.

If you haven't signed up for a workshop yet, what are you waiting for? Call me 888-538-5383.