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Saturday, June 11, 2011

Motivating Younger Employees

There was a time when most people looked at their job as a reflection of who they are as a person. In recent times and more with younger employees, their social life and status amongst their friends dictates who they are, a job is simply a means to help them elevate their social status. Geezers like me believe that our career is who we are and many of us can't comprehend the motivational factors of this younger group. We were driven by the idea of "Improving our financial status so we could take care of our immediate and future needs" People now are driven by "What can I do that will improve my social status". Take a moment to look over "Abraham Maslow's Heirarchy of Needs" and it will explain it. Here is a link: http://psychology.about.com/od/theoriesofpersonality/a/hierarchyneeds.htm

Us old guys used to, and still think as if we are on the bottom two levels. Since our younger folks have not really had to be too concerned about having someplace to stay that they could call their own home, or fear of losing everything or worrying about how to feed their family. They have become a society of people who, no matter what, have all of their basic fundamental needs taken care of, no matter what. Compared to the rest of the world, our poorest would be considered rich. People don't fret that much about whether they have food, they are more concerned about having Direct TV or the latest, greatest pair of basketball shoes or smart phones. This group is motivated by esteem and status.

So Frank, what do I do? You ask. Just understand that this is the way it is and sometimes money isn't the main motivating factor. Provided you have good measurement systems that everyone understands and know how they may be able to improve, set up reasonable goals with rewards for success that may include more free paid time off with friends and family. It may be status or esteem building awards such as a night on the town, paid for by you, or maybe a gift certificate to a nearby mall. Just be creative and realize what you are dealing with and respond accordingly.

I'm sure I'll get the typical responses like "They should be happy they have a job" or "A paycheck should be considered award enough" That worked for me and you other old guys, but does really not apply 100% now.

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