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Monday, October 1, 2012

The Little Things Matter!

Earlier today I was driving to the post office to pick up a package. I happened to notice a van directly in front of me that indicated they were a local company and they specialized in drywall work and home painting. They also mentioned they were bonded, insured and guaranteed that all customers will be satisfied. While sitting at the light I thought I would write this guy's number down because we are in the process of doing some remodeling work and since I hate painting and drywall work, here is a guy I can call. So I wrote the number down on a small note pad I carry in the car. After driving about a mile or so I happen to notice that the driver was smoking. Not that it should matter, but somehow it did. I was trying to convince myself that it was okay if he smokes because he wouldn't smoke in my home anyway, I'm sure. As we continued along on the road, I saw how he flicked his cigarette butt out of his window and it landed on my hood and bounced off. Okay, I know he didn't mean to do that. A small controversy started in my brain, I could imagine seeing a bunch of cigarette butts in my yard after this guy does the work. Then, I started to relive an experience from about fifteen years ago when I had a guy come over to replace my garage door and how he set my mulch on fire with a cigarette, this lead to losing a shrub and could have possibly burned my house down if I hadn't have noticed it went I went out to get something out of my car. Yes I know what had happened before should have nothing to do with this guy in front of me in the van. But I took the note with his number on it and threw it away. This guy really did nothing wrong, but the one little thing that brought up a bad memory from the past instantly made me decide I didn't want to do business with him. All of this over one little cigarette. Because you see, I am the customer and it doesn't take me much to say no thanks!

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