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Monday, October 1, 2012

Time for a Tune Up!

Time for a Fall Business Tune-Up! You tell customers how important it is to maintain their mechanical systems in their home. But what about you? When was the last time you tuned up your business? Here are some key things to think about: 1. What things are we doing that need improvement? 2. What things are we doing that we should stop doing? 3. Are there any new services or products that need to be considered? 4. What are customers telling us that needs attention? 5. Are there any team members who need fixing? 6. Any significant changes in my trade that I need to learn more about? 7. What is my biggest competitor doing that is different from me, both good and bad? 8. How far along am I in reaching my goals (provided you have goals)? 9. Do I still love my job? How can I change things to love what I am doing? 10. Is everyone having fun? How can I change things to make this more fun?

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